Compare | Catalog Number | TriMark Number | Description | Status Code | CAD Drawing |
| 0600901-3-015-1-1-1-0-0 | 16902-01 | Non-Handed, Zinc Plate/Clear Chromate, Standard, Drive Bar With 1/4-20 Up, Base Mount, No, No, | A/A |
| 0600901-3-015-1-1-1-2-0 | 27405-01 | Non-Handed, Zinc Plate/Clear Chromate, Standard, Drive Bar With 1/4-20 Up, Base Mount, Yes, 1" diameter, No, | A/A |
| 0600901-3-015-1-1-2-0-0 | 19574-01 | Non-Handed, Zinc Plate/Clear Chromate, Standard, Drive Bar With 1/4-20 Up, Extended Mount, No, No, | A/A |
| 0600901-3-015-1-1-2-1-0 | 21021-01 | Non-Handed, Zinc Plate/Clear Chromate, Standard, Drive Bar With 1/4-20 Up, Extended Mount, Yes, tapered, No, | A/A |
| 0600901-3-015-1-1-2-3-0 | 23374-01 | Non-Handed, Zinc Plate/Clear Chromate, Standard, Drive Bar With 1/4-20 Up, Extended Mount, Yes, 1.5" diameter, No, | A/A |
| 0600901-3-015-1-4-1-0-0 | 21400-01 | Non-Handed, Zinc Plate/Clear Chromate, Standard, Drive Bar With .237" Hole, Base Mount, No, No, | A/A |
| 0600901-3-015-1-4-2-0-0 | 41817-02 | Non-Handed,Zinc Plate/Clear Chromate,Standard,Drive Bar With .237" Hole,Extended Mount,No,No | A/A |
| 0600901-3-015-1-4-2-0-1 | 41817-01 | Non-Handed,Zinc Plate/Clear Chromate,Standard,Drive Bar With .237" Hole,Extended Mount,No,Yes | A/A |
| 0600901-3-015-1-5-1-0-0 | 27753-01 | Non-Handed, Zinc Plate/Clear Chromate, Standard, Drive Bar With .310" Hole, Base Mount, No, No, | A/A |
| 0600901-3-015-2-1-1-0-0 | 16901-01 | Non-Handed, Zinc Plate/Clear Chromate, Reverse, Drive Bar With 1/4-20 Up, Base Mount, No, No, | A/A |
| 0600901-3-015-2-1-1-2-0 | 23290-01 | Non-Handed, Zinc Plate/Clear Chromate, Reverse, Drive Bar With 1/4-20 Up, Base Mount, Yes, 1" diameter, No, | A/A |