
Choose a Different Product Type:

The General Attributes and Special Requirements are specific to each Product Family.

Select as many of the General Attributes and Special Requirements as possible,then select the Result Count button to update the product result count.The result count indicates the number of product platforms that meet your requirements. Hint: The more attributes you select, the shorter the list of matching products will be. Please note that too many attributes selected can produce a zero result count. You can continue to select attributes and update the result count until you feel you have reached a reasonable number of products to review.

Once you feel you have reached a reasonable number of products, select the Display Results button to view the list of products that match your attribute requirements.

General Attributes


Special Requirements

050-1911 8mm Single Rotor Latch - Single Position and Integrated State Sensing

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050-1901 8mm Single Rotary Latch - Two Position and Integrated State Sensing

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510-0350 PKE Module/Controller (Unsealed)

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500-1350 PKE System (Passive Keyless Entry, Unsealed)

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530-0400 PKE e-FOB

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510-0300 PKE Module/Controller (Sealed)

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500-1050 Keyless Entry CAN System (Sealed)

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510-0200 Keyless Entry CAN Controller (Unsealed)

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590-1200 PKE Antenna

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500-1300 PKE System (Passive Keyless Entry, Sealed)

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020-0870 Power Locking Pull Handle With Capacitive Sensor - PKE

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550-0100 Compact Style Power Lock Actuator

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