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    030-1400  翻板把手

    030-1400 翻板把手

    这款嵌入安装翻板把手是对我们出产的 030-0400 翻板把手进行重新设计后的产品,用于旅行车辆和专用车辆的进出门。内含与前期产品同样经过检验的机械零部件,外观更为时尚,可以用于 FMVSS 206 应用场合,具有遥控支轴盘和锁挡片致动方式。

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    020-0900  远程内部释放装置

    020-0900 远程内部释放装置


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    050-0700  12mm 单转轮闩锁

    050-0700 12mm 单转轮闩锁

    这种结构紧凑的单转轮闩锁适用于轻度到中度负荷的公路用车或非公路用车的驾驶室和车厢门。该产品具有一些派生型式,可以与 TriMark 公司的外部和内部制动方法相衔接,有利于产品应用的灵活性。

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    050-0810  单转轮锁心装置

    050-0810 单转轮锁心装置

    这种新型闩锁系统适用于包括救护车、火灾/援救车辆在内的专用车辆的人员进出门,以及要求符合 FMVSS 206 标准非公路用车辆(轻度负荷)的人员进出门。灵活的设计使内部门或外部门的安装能够得以实现,并可以通过远程致动把手实现汽车的逻辑功能。

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    050-1200  单转轮面板闩锁

    050-1200 单转轮面板闩锁


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    010-1000 旋转杆式把手

    010-1000 旋转杆式把手


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    020-0850 电控拉式把手

    020-0850 电控拉式把手

    TriMarks' 020-0850 e-LOCKING特利马克的新型020-0850电控拉式把手适用于非公路用车,可通过开关、远程操作RF FOB或键盘进行电子锁定/解锁。基于020-0800的验证,这种坚固把手将带来全新的汽车功能,并与您的驾驶室和配件相适宜。

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    030-1860 带内锁旋钮的平装式翻板把手

    030-1860 带内锁旋钮的平装式翻板把手


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    030-1875 不固定翻板型平装式翻板把手

    030-1875 不固定翻板型平装式翻板把手


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    030-2650 房车入口门硬件-旋转式

    030-2650 房车入口门硬件-旋转式


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    030-5200 厢门翻板把手

    030-5200 厢门翻板把手

    This flush mounted paddle handle is designed specifically for light to medium to compartment doors for off-highway applications that require remote actuation. 这款厢门翻板把手专为轻到中型车厢门设计的非公路车辆使用,使用远程驱动装置

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    050-0275 细长型货箱闩锁

    050-0275 细长型货箱闩锁

    此款紧凑型转轮闩锁用于道路上轻型通用型车辆货箱门。此闩锁设计不符合FMVSS 206(ECE R11)的要求。●用于轻薄类门●门重可达75磅(34千克)●建议门的密封压力为20-25磅(9-11千克),以便获得最佳效果●不适用于FMVSS 206(ECE R11)●与TriMark 070-0100撞栓配合使用

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    050-0403 Floating Striker Two Rotor

    050-0403 Floating Striker Two Rotor

    This two rotor latch is a sub-platform to the TriMark proven 050-0400 series latch and is designed for medium to heavy-duty applications for on or off-highway compartments and access panels. It features an internal trip mechanism for applications where it is desirable to have the release mechanism in-line with the latch and a two position latch.

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    050-0790 8mm Single Rotor Latch

    050-0790 8mm Single Rotor Latch

    This compact single rotor latch is based on the proven 050-0700 12mm Single Rotor Larch and is designed for use on light to medium duty operator and compartment doors for on or off-highway applications.

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    050-1100 Family - 8mm Single Rotor Latch

    050-1100 Family - 8mm Single Rotor Latch

    This robust automotive style single rotor latch is designed for medium to heavy-duty applications for on or off-highway entrance doors, compartments and access panels. The modular design allows ease of interface with TriMark's range of external and internal methods of activation for application flexibility.

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    050-1600 TriGuard重型单转子闩锁

    050-1600 TriGuard重型单转子闩锁

    这种闩锁专门用于中型至重型车辆的进门及后门。具有成熟的单转轮闩锁设计,高强度8量规(4.2毫米)的前安装板及稳固的跨式释放杆。超薄设计,装至2英寸(50.8毫米)厚的门中,并改装升级至颇具竞争力的单转轮楔形旋转闩锁。●超过91千克(200磅)的中型至重型车门,门密封压力为23-60千克(50-150磅)●与TriMark 070-0201撞栓配合使用

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    050-5260 8毫米单转子厢门闩锁

    050-5260 8毫米单转子厢门闩锁

    This product is designed specifically for light to medium duty compartment doors, access panels and hoods for off-highway applications that require remote latching. The single rotor latch offers robust construction and compact size for a very cost-effective price.这款厢门闩锁专为需要远程开启的轻到中型非公路用车的隔间门、检修面板和机罩而设计,这款单转子闩锁结构强韧外形紧凑,性价比很高.

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    110-5100 Locking Fuel Cap and Filler Neck 油箱盖和油脖颈

    110-5100 Locking Fuel Cap and Filler Neck 油箱盖和油脖颈

    This double locking diesel fuel cap fits standard 124mm O.D. and 91mm I.D. filler necks with bayonet retention. It is designed for non-vented fuel tanks for medium to heavy-duty off-highway vehicles where it is desirable to prevent theft and vandalism. In addition to standard padlock provisions, this product includes an integrated keylock that can be provided keyed alike to match doors and ignition or keyed random. 本款带双锁功能的柴油机油箱盖适用的标准外径为124毫米,内径91毫米的加油口,卡口可固定。本品专为中型至重型非公路车辆设计,有防盗和防破坏功能。除了标准的挂锁配置,该产品还有一个集成的钥匙锁,可更换不同的锁芯和钥匙,同时匹配门和点火开关。

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    550-0100 Compact Style Power Lock Actuator

    550-0100 Compact Style Power Lock Actuator


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    030-2000  两点货箱锁

    030-2000 两点货箱锁


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