030-0150 Heavy Duty Compartment Latch

This compartment latch was specifically designed for Caterpillar’s heavy-duty off-highway vehicle storage and compartment door applications. This product features a reinforced mounting surface as well as an integrated rotary latch for ease of installation and use.



Designed For

  • On or off-highway vehicle applications -- construction, mining, agricultural


  • Steel reinforced mounting plate provides a higher resistance to vibration


  • Clear chromate, ready to paint

Internal Lubrication

  • Oven-cured dry lubricant is applied on all critical moving parts


  • 5mm diameter fasteners

Application Recommendations

  • Striker bolt installation should allow for a minimum radial movement of .060 [1.524]
  • Rubber bumpers or door seals are recommended to reduce effects of vibration stress on door and latch system


  • Keyed alike with shuttered keyway, CAT key 5P8500
  • With single and two position rotors


  • Housing and paddle: die cast zinc alloy
  • Other components: zinc plated, mild steel
  • Internal latch components: case hardened, smooth edge stamped steel

Latch & Striker Installation

  • Install striker bolt in door frame
  • Close door carefully and check for interference between head of striker bolt and latch components
  • Add or remove shims under striker bolt washer as required (outside diameter of shim should be larger than outside diameter of striker bolt washer)
  • Adjust striker bolt vertically so door is not guided upward or downward while being closed
  • Door should be latched but not "closed" in secondary position and latched to anticipated "closed" position with respect to adjacent surfaces in primary position
  • If both primary and secondary positions are not evident, readjust striker bolt

Caution: Compartment latch does not meet FMVSS 206 (ECE R11) load requirements.

Typical Uses

Typical application use illustrations are organized by Industry/System and are intended to give the user some ideas for specifying a complete system using TriMark products.

Not all Industry/System applications have typical use illustrations. If a typical use illustration is not available for your specific application, please submit a technical product information request and a technical representative can assist you in selecting a product(s) solution for your specific application.

030-0150 Heavy Duty Compartment Latch

  • Construction - Heavy Earthmoving

    Access Panels

    Exterior Storage Compartments

  • Construction - Lifting and Material Handling

    Access Panels

    Engine Compartments / Hoods

    Exterior Storage Compartments

  • Construction - Light Earthmoving

    Access Panels

    Engine Compartments / Hoods

  • Motor Homes

    Engine Compartments / Hoods

Please specify search criteria:

CompareCatalog NumberTriMark NumberKey Type (Head Configuration)Key Type (Color)Key Type (Logo)KeyingKeying (Lock Cylinder Part Number)Keying (Keys Supplied)Keying (Key Part Number)Keying (Number of Keys per PN)Status CodeSample RequestCAD Drawing
0300150-3-063-02-03-02-02-14082.04-1-0-2-225368-01 Small Round Head Black overmold TriMark logo Non-master keyed/keyed alike LKCYL,TD,KS900,LL11,2 KEYS Yes NA 2 keys on ring A/CP
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