030-1425 Inside Bezel & Release Lever Assembly

This redesigned product functions as a remote inside release and features a built-in lock lever and improved zinc die cast bezel for durability and ease of installation. It is also available in non-locking and power locking versions.

Designed For

  • Remote interior release and locking applications for on or off-highway 
  • Light to medium duty recommended
  • Use with TriMark latch/logic mechanisms


  • Offers modern automotive styling
  • Built-in lock lever for added security
  • Remote mounting provides versatility and flexibility


  • Right or left hand configurations (left hand shown)
  • Cutout for power door lock
  • Non-locking bezel also available
  • As a complete assembly or separate components for application flexibility


  • Bezel and release lever die cast zinc alloy
  • Lock lever -- engineered plastic
  • Stamped steel mounting brackets


  • Bezel: Black powder coated
  • Release lever: Black powder coated or chrome plate
  • Lock lever: Black or chrome finish
  • Zinc plated clear chromate steel components


  • Fasteners supplied for mounting inside bezel

U.S. Design Patent No. D598,729 / D588,895

Individual part dimensions are for reference only. Refer to individual part drawings for complete dimensions, specifications, and installation procedures. Engineering assistance and application drawings are available.

Caution: Applications of this product may fall within the requirements of FMVSS 206 (ECE R11) and SAE J839 safety standards. These safety related requirements are dependent on door application, e.g. front and rear hinged doors, sliding doors, or hinged upward swinging doors. The entire door hardware system must be included in the design/analysis process: latch, handle, lock mechanism, cables/rods/linkages, fasteners, hinges, etc. This ensures compatibility of all components within the hardware system. If FMVSS 206 (ECE R11) is a requirement, then all of the components within the door system must comply with strength, inertia and locking requirements as specified with the Standard. Note that this product complies with FMVSS 206 (ECE R11) when tested in accordance with SAE J839 and that this product meets FMVSS 206 (ECE R11) locking requirements and may be used in FMVSS 206 (ECE R11) applications pending TriMark application approval.

        Typical Uses

        Typical application use illustrations are organized by Industry/System and are intended to give the user some ideas for specifying a complete system using TriMark products.

        Not all Industry/System applications have typical use illustrations. If a typical use illustration is not available for your specific application, please submit a technical product information request and a technical representative can assist you in selecting a product(s) solution for your specific application.

        030-1425 Inside Bezel & Release Lever Assembly

        • Construction - Heavy Earthmoving

          Interior Personnel Doors

        • Construction - Lifting and Material Handling

          Interior Personnel Doors

        • Construction - Light Earthmoving

          Interior Personnel Doors

        • Fire / Rescue / Ambulance / Emergency Vehicle

          Interior Personnel Doors

        • Motor Homes

          Interior Personnel Doors

        • Power Sports

          Interior Personnel Doors

        • Travel Trailer / 5th Wheel

          Interior Personnel Doors

        Please specify search criteria:

        CompareCatalog NumberTriMark NumberDescriptionStatus CodeSample RequestCAD Drawing
        0301425-1-005-0-0-1-0-1-123016-01Right Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Non-Locking,No Labels,Complete Assembly,No lock lever,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-005-0-0-2-0-1-1TME21431-06Right Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Non-Locking,No Labels,Inside Release Lever Only,No lock lever,Standard,.234" DIA A/CP
        0301425-1-005-0-0-5-0-4-139032-01Right Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Non-Locking,No Labels,Handle Assembly - No Bezel,No lock lever,Special Mounting,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-005-1-0-5-0-4-132760-01Right Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Manual Lock,No Labels,Handle Assembly - No Bezel,No lock lever,Special Mounting,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-005-1-0-5-2-4-132312-01Right Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Manual Lock,No Labels,Handle Assembly - No Bezel,Standard, ABS,Special Mounting,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-005-1-2-1-2-1-121431-07Right Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Manual Lock,Red label on knob,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-005-1-2-5-2-4-224840-01Right Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Manual Lock,Red label on knob,Handle Assembly - No Bezel,Standard, ABS,Special Mounting,.175" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-005-1-3-1-2-1-121431-08Right Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Manual Lock,White pad print on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-005-2-0-5-2-4-137756-01Right Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Power Lock,No Labels,Handle Assembly - No Bezel,Standard, ABS,Special Mounting,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-037-0-0-1-0-1-123016-02Right Hand,Low Gloss Black,Non-Locking,No Labels,Complete Assembly,No lock lever,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-037-0-0-2-0-1-121431-05Right Hand,Low Gloss Black,Non-Locking,No Labels,Inside Release Lever Only,No lock lever,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-037-0-0-5-0-1-1TME23017-01Right Hand,Low Gloss Black,Non-Locking,No Labels,Handle Assembly - No Bezel,No lock lever,Standard,.234" DIA A/CP
        0301425-1-037-0-0-5-0-1-225111-01Right Hand,Low Gloss Black,Non-Locking,No Labels,Handle Assembly - No Bezel,No lock lever,Standard,.175" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-037-1-0-1-2-1-239490-01Right Hand,Low Gloss Black,Manual Lock,No Labels,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.175" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-037-1-1-1-2-1-121431-02Right Hand,Low Gloss Black,Manual Lock,Lock label on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIA A/CP
        0301425-1-037-1-2-1-2-1-121431-03Right Hand,Low Gloss Black,Manual Lock,Red label on knob,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-037-1-3-1-2-1-121431-01Right Hand,Low Gloss Black,Manual Lock,White pad print on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-037-2-3-1-2-1-121431-04Right Hand,Low Gloss Black,Power Lock,White pad print on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-037-2-3-1-2-2-134855-01Right Hand,Low Gloss Black,Power Lock,White pad print on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Special,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-078-0-0-7-0-5-237523-01Right Hand,Low Gloss Black Over E-Coat,Non-Locking,No Labels,Inside Release Lever Only With Extended Base,No lock lever,Extended,.175" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-099-1-0-1-2-1-239490-02Right Hand,Low Gloss Black Bezel and Copper-Nickel Chrome (Duplex) Handle,Manual Lock,No Labels,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.175" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-099-1-2-1-2-1-221431-13Right Hand,Low Gloss Black Bezel and Copper-Nickel Chrome (Duplex) Handle,Manual Lock,Red label on knob,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.175" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-099-1-3-1-2-1-321431-11Right Hand,Low Gloss Black Bezel and Copper-Nickel Chrome (Duplex) Handle,Manual Lock,White pad print on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.258" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-099-2-3-1-2-1-321431-12Right Hand,Low Gloss Black Bezel and Copper-Nickel Chrome (Duplex) Handle,Power Lock,White pad print on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.258" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-999-1-3-1-2-1-121431-10Right Hand,Black Mirror,Manual Lock,White pad print on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-1-999-2-3-1-2-1-121431-09Right Hand,Black Mirror,Power Lock,White pad print on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-005-0-0-1-0-1-123015-01Left Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Non-Locking,No Labels,Complete Assembly,No lock lever,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-005-0-0-1-0-1-323015-03Left Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Non-Locking,No Labels,Complete Assembly,No lock lever,Standard,.258" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-005-0-0-2-0-1-1TME21430-03Left Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Non-Locking,No Labels,Inside Release Lever Only,No lock lever,Standard,.234" DIA A/CP
        0301425-2-005-0-0-5-0-4-139067-01Left Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Non-Locking,No Labels,Handle Assembly - No Bezel,No lock lever,Special Mounting,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-005-1-2-1-2-1-121430-01Left Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Manual Lock,Red label on knob,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-005-1-3-1-2-1-121430-05Left Hand,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Manual Lock,White pad print on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-037-0-0-1-0-1-123015-02Left Hand,Low Gloss Black,Non-Locking,No Labels,Complete Assembly,No lock lever,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-037-0-0-2-0-1-121430-04Left Hand,Low Gloss Black,Non-Locking,No Labels,Inside Release Lever Only,No lock lever,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-037-0-0-3-0-0-022997-01Left Hand,Low Gloss Black,Non-Locking,No Labels,Bezel Only,No lock lever,NA,NAA/A
        0301425-2-037-0-0-4-0-0-022997-04Left Hand,Low Gloss Black,Non-Locking,No Labels,Bezel Only With Packaging,No lock lever,NA,NAA/A
        0301425-2-037-0-0-5-0-1-1TME23018-01Left Hand,Low Gloss Black,Non-Locking,No Labels,Handle Assembly - No Bezel,No lock lever,Standard,.234" DIA A/CP
        0301425-2-037-1-0-1-2-1-239489-01Left Hand,Low Gloss Black,Manual Lock,No Labels,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.175" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-037-1-2-1-2-1-121430-02Left Hand,Low Gloss Black,Manual Lock,Red label on knob,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-037-1-3-1-2-1-121430-06Left Hand,Low Gloss Black,Manual Lock,White pad print on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-078-0-0-2-0-6-134387-01Left Hand,Low Gloss Black Over E-Coat,Non-Locking,No Labels,Inside Release Lever Only,No lock lever,With Rod/Cable Retention,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-078-0-0-7-0-5-237521-01Left Hand,Low Gloss Black Over E-Coat,Non-Locking,No Labels,Inside Release Lever Only With Extended Base,No lock lever,Extended,.175" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-078-1-4-1-2-1-136960-01Left Hand,Low Gloss Black Over E-Coat,Manual Lock,Part number and date code on bracket,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-099-1-0-1-2-1-239489-02Left Hand,Low Gloss Black Bezel and Copper-Nickel Chrome (Duplex) Handle,Manual Lock,No Labels,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.175" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-099-1-2-1-2-1-221430-08Left Hand,Low Gloss Black Bezel and Copper-Nickel Chrome (Duplex) Handle,Manual Lock,Red label on knob,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.175" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-099-1-3-1-2-1-121430-07Left Hand,Low Gloss Black Bezel and Copper-Nickel Chrome (Duplex) Handle,Manual Lock,White pad print on bezel,Complete Assembly,Standard, ABS,Standard,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-999-0-0-1-0-2-134884-01Left Hand,Black Mirror,Non-Locking,No Labels,Complete Assembly,No lock lever,Special,.234" DIAA/A
        0301425-2-999-0-0-3-0-0-022997-02Left Hand,Black Mirror,Non-Locking,No Labels,Bezel Only,No lock lever,NA,NAA/A
        0301425-2-999-0-0-4-0-0-022997-03Left Hand,Black Mirror,Non-Locking,No Labels,Bezel Only With Packaging,No lock lever,NA,NAA/A
        0301425-3-000-1-0-6-1-0-080978Non-handed,Black Plastic,Manual Lock,No Labels,Lock Lever Only,Standard, ASA,NA,NAA/A
        0301425-3-000-1-0-6-2-0-080978-01Non-handed,Black Plastic,Manual Lock,No Labels,Lock Lever Only,Standard, ABS,NA,NAA/A
        0301425-3-000-1-0-8-3-0-032053-01Non-handed,Black Plastic,Manual Lock,No Labels,Lock Lever/Bracket,Machined, ABS,NA,NAA/A
        0301425-3-000-1-2-8-1-0-028133-01Non-handed,Black Plastic,Manual Lock,Red label on knob,Lock Lever/Bracket,Standard, ASA,NA,NAA/A
        0301425-3-005-1-0-6-1-0-080978-05Non-handed,Copper-Nickel Chrome,Manual Lock,No Labels,Lock Lever Only,Standard, ASA,NA,NAA/A
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