Looking Forward with a Quick Glance over our Shoulder at the
While we typically
don't spend a great deal of time reflecting on the past (not enough hours
in the day!) we were recently reminded that it was just a few short years
ago when our messages were focused on keeping our friends and customers
"in the loop" as much a possible relative to the current state of
the economy and its effect on TriMark and our ability to deliver the
best in access hardware solution to our customers.
The reminder came as we were discussing the soon to be fully functional
expansion that TriMark undertook last year. We have previously
communicated in our newsletter that TriMark has completed a major
facilities expansion and have several significant new machines and
equipment that will be operational early in 2014. This new capacity will
allow us to better serve current and future customers in our existing
markets as well as new markets that have come to us for our expertise.
Recent History
First, just a quick bit of history to serve as a reminder. Back in 2008
when we realized that we were headed for an economic crisis, TriMark
took some very proactive and strategic steps to insure that we would
survive and exit the crisis as a stronger company; better positioned to
take advantage of what we observed would be a different economic world.
When we made those decisions back in 2008-09, little did we realize the
full effect would be experienced just four years later. For lack of a
better term, TriMark has been experiencing "rapid" growth
over the last 18 months which has certainly kept us on our toes relative to
maintaining production schedules as well as making sure we do not
compromise our quality standards.
Strategic Partners
We believe that much of our success can be traced directly to the high
level of trust our customers place in us as a strategic partner. We are
working very hard to make sure that the "rebalancing" that is due
to the upswing in demand from our current and new market segments is as
seamless as possible for our customers.
We can assure you that everyone at TriMark is focused on improving
our performance. We ask our customers to assist us as much as possible with
projections on orders so that we can meet and satisfy your requirements.
2014 Will be an Exciting and Busy Year
So what can you look forward to from TriMark in 2014? Here are just
a few things you can expect:
- An updated website that will be more comprehensive
and allow for more search options
- New facilities expansion to be fully operational
- Major new product announcements
- Participation in additional tradeshows which
reflects the global scope of our business.
We sincerely hope
that you and your families have a joyous Holiday Season and that 2014 is
prosperous for us all.
Thank you for you continued trust and support.
The TriMark Management Team
TriMark to Feature Motor Home Entrance Door Hardware
at the 51st Annual National RV Trade Show
Dec 3-5, 2013 at the Kentucky Expo Center
in Louisville, Kentucky
South Wing - C80, C82
TriMark Motor Home Entrance Door Hardware Family: 060-1650/030-2650
TriMark is announcing that it has completely redesigned its popular
060-0650 and 030-1050 Motor Home Entrance Door Hardware products. Featuring
2 models; a Plunger version (060-1650) and a Rotary version (030-2650),
they feature a lower profile inside release to allow for close fitting
screen doors and are power lockable. Both models retrofit and install in
the same cutout as the current products, are easy to install with through
sandwich mounting, FMVSS 206 compliant and have a built-in deadbolt that
now can be power locked.


060-1650 Plunger Version
030-2650 Rotary Version
System kits are available and include handles, latches, rods, brackets and
power lock actuators to provide a comprehensive electro-mechanical access
TriMark Participates in Two Global Armored Vehicle
continues to expand its "footprint" in the global armored vehicle
as the acceptance for our technology, products and expertise finds new
market opportunities. We recently participated in two events where our
products received the full scrutiny of many industry experts.
DSEi – The World Leading Defence and
Security Event, September 10 – 13, 2013 London, UK
By the numbers:
- 32,169 visitors
- 1,489 exhibitors representing 54 countries
- 40 international pavilions
- 97 Official Delegations from 56 countries
AUSA Annual Meeting and Exposition,
October 21 – 23, 2013 in Washington, DC
By the numbers:
- 28,349 people from around the world
- 20,016 attendees: 29% active military – 71%
- 8,333 exhibitors: 5% active military – 95% civilian
- 2,772 international participants
Featured Product
100-5120 TriGuard Heavy Duty Door Slimline Hardware
Module V2
The 100-5120 provides automotive-like functionality and style in a low
profile one-piece module. Featuring TriMark's 050-1600 TriGuard
Slimline Heavy Duty Latch, this robust product allows for power locking and
is compliant to FMVSS 206
The 050-1600
TriGuard Slimline Heavy-Duty Latch module is designed for medium to
heavy-duty vehicle entrance and rear door applications. It features a
proven single rotor latch design, high strength 8 gauge (4.2mm) front
mounting plate and robust straddle mount release lever. The slim design
mounts into 2.00" (50.8mm) doors and retrofits competitive single rotor
wedge style rotary latches.

TriMark Corporation
500 Bailey Avenue
PO Box 350
New Hampton, IA 50659
Tollfree: 1-800-447-0343
Phone: 1-641-394-3188
Fax: 1-641-394-2392
Email: tips@trimarkcorp.com
Visit us on the web at www.trimarkcorp.com
This e-newsletter
is a service of TriMark Corp. and is produced by The
Bearings Group